We know you are excited to come to gain knowledge and see friends, but history shows you also come to shop!! Come casually stroll through the largest shopping bazaar in North America! While it is cold in Chicago you will be toasty warm inside, but feel like you are in the streets of your favorite city market overseas.
Make sure to stop by the MAS National booth to find out how to become a MAS member. We have brought all your favorite Islamic stores and services to you.
Over 750 booths so you can see something new every day!!
Talk to a travel agent or 2 about going to Hajj.
Hijabs of every kind and color with pins to match.
Beautiful home accents or huge carvings and paintings.
If you can think it, you will most likely find it at the bazaar.

Bring your kids to buy books that teach them about the stories of the Quran, how to make wudu, or how to pray.
Get the kids custom shirts with their names on them.
Beautiful home accents or huge carvings and paintings.
The Bazaar will be in the main hall at McCormick Place Convention Center, located at 2301 South Dr. Martin Luther King Jr Drive, Chicago IL 60616 on December 26-28, 2024.
Bazaar for Attendees
Bazaar will be open to attendees on Friday 12/26/2025 to Sunday 12/28/2025 from 10:00AM until 10:00PM. Bazaar access is free but parking is not.
Bazaar for Exhibitors
Planning for the 2025 MAS Convention is underway, and we want you to join us in setting the stage for yet another record-breaking convention.