MAS-ICNA invites you to sponsor the nation’s leading Muslim convention. We are honored to extend to you the opportunity to participate as a privileged sponsor.

Your sponsorship will help us put the Convention together, and your support will certainly be credited by our guests.

For information about sponsorship packages, contact Hayat at:

Following a positive trend of the last decade’s worth of conventions, the 2024 Annual MAS-ICNA Convention is geared to outdo any of our previous efforts; becoming one of the Largest, Most Diverse and Entertaining Islamic Events in North America. ​

Planning for the 2024 Annual MAS-ICNA convention is underway, and we want you to join us in setting the stage for yet another record-breaking convention. Last year, we experienced a large increase in attendance and this year, we expect much more. Our nationally & internationally renowned speakers are sure to capture attention from all corners of the world.

Your advertisement will have exposure to:

  • Over 50,000 Attendees from almost every state and continent
  • Over 650 Exhibitors and Sponsors
  • Over 100 scholars, acclaimed speakers, and world leaders
  • Distinguished programs for all ages and interests
  • Feature activities for children and toddlers
  • A broad array of cultural diversity
  • Representation form over 250 regional and national organizations


Sponsorship Package
$ 65,000
  • Sponsor ribbon on name tag
  • (30) Conference Registrations
  • Logo on banner in Hyatt Hotel lobby
  • (10) Premier-level booths in bazaar
  • Logo on bazaar map
  • Booth location printed on bazaar map
  • Hanging structure above booth
  • (6) Digital LED Stand up banner ads, placed throughout the convention on rotation.
  • (2) Digital LED Stand up banner, placed during Knowledge Retreat on rotation
  • Logo on official tote bag
  • (2) Brochure insert/ promotional item placed in attendees’ tote bag
  • Above mentioned brochure insert/ promotional item placed on display tables outside of Bazaar
  • Logo on program-at-a-glance
  • Logo included on all convention mass emails
  • (2) 30-sec video ads on main hall screens during the 3 days of the convention
  • Logo displayed on main hall screens
  • Logo on main hall entrance unit
  • (2) Digital Ad on LED Screen outside of Bazaar, on rotation. (Full-screen)
  • Digital Ad (same as mentioned above) on LED Screen inside of Bazaar
  • Logo on MAS CON Website
  • Logo on MAS CON Website linked to organization/ business’s website
  • Clickable Banner placed on MAS CON website
  • Facebook recognition with 30-second video upload and working of choice upon approval.
  • Recognition on Instagram and Snapchat
  • Recognition on MAS CON App
  • (2) Clickable Banners on MAS CON App (Home screen)
  • Profile under the Sponsorship Category in the MAS CON App
  • Clickable website link within Sponsor Profile
  • Full Page Ad added as an attachment within Sponsor Profile
  • Booth location added within Sponsor Profile
  • Booth location added within Exhibitor Category
  • (3) Push notifications, one daily, during MAS CON through MAS CON App
  • (20) Tickets to Appreciation Dinner
  • Organization/ Business Name on the table at Appreciation Dinner
  • “Recognition Award” as Diamond Sponsor presented on Main Stage.
  • (1) 60-second video ad presented on main stage during recognition award
  • 3 minutes on stage with approved speech/ content during recognition award


Sponsorship Package
$ 35,000
  • Sponsor Ribbon on Name tag
  • (20) Conference Registrations
  • Logo on banner in Hyatt Hotel lobby
  • (6) Premier-level booths in bazaar
  • Logo on bazaar map
  • Booth location printed on bazaar map
  • Hanging structure above booth
  • (4) Digital LED Stand up banner, placed throughout the convention
  • Logo on official tote bag
  • (1) Brochure insert/ promotional item placed in attendees’ tote bag
  • Above mentioned brochure insert/ promotional item placed on display tables outside of Bazaar
  • Logo on program-at-a-glance
  • Logo included on all convention mass emails
  • (1) 30-sec video ad on main hall screens during the 3 days of the convention
  • Logo displayed on main hall screens
  • Logo on main hall entrance unit
  • (1) Digital Ad on LED Screen outside of Bazaar (Full screen)
  • (1) Digital Ad (same as mentioned above) on LED Screen inside of Bazaar
  • Logo on MAS CON Website
  • Logo on MAS CON Website linked to organization/ business’s website
  • Recognition on Instagram and Snapchat
  • Recognition on MAS CON App
  • (1) Clickable Banner on MAS CON App (Home screen)
  • Profile under the Sponsorship Category in the MAS CON App
  • Booth location added within Exhibitor Category
  • (1) Push notification during MAS CON through MAS CON App
  • (10) Tickets to Appreciation Dinner
  • Organization/ Business Name on the table at Appreciation Dinner


Sponsorship Package
$ 23,000
  • Sponsor ribbon on name tag
  • (10) Conference Registrations
  • (4) Premier-level booths in bazaar
  • (1) Digital LED Stand up banner, placed throughout the convention
  • Digital LED Stand up banner, placed during Knowledge Retreat
  • Logo on official tote bag
  • (1) Brochure insert/ promotional item placed in attendees’ tote bag
  • Logo included on all convention mass emails
  • Logo on main hall entrance unit
  • (1) Digital Ad on LED Screen outside of Bazaar, (Half screen)
  • Digital Ad (same as mentioned above) on LED Screen inside of Bazaar
  • Logo on MAS CON Website
  • Recognition on Instagram and Snapchat
  • Profile under the Sponsorship Category in the MAS CON App
  • Booth location added within Exhibitor Category


Sponsorship Package
$ 13,000
  • Sponsor ribbon on name tag
  • (4) Conference Registrations
  • (2) Premier-level booths in bazaar
  • Logo on official tote bag
  • Logo included on all convention mass emails
  • Logo on main hall entrance unit
  • (1) Digital Ad on LED Screen outside of Bazaar, (Half screen)
  • Digital Ad (same as mentioned above) on LED Screen inside of Bazaar
  • Logo on MAS CON Website
  • Recognition on Instagram and Snapchat
  • Profile under the Sponsorship Category in the MAS CON App
  • Booth location added within Exhibitor Category