The Annual MAS-ICNA Convention is the largest and most diverse Islamic conventions in North America. The convention takes place in Chicago, Illinois every December during the winter holiday season. By the grace of God and the unique effort of over 300 volunteers, the number of attendees has successfully grown from 1,500 in 2001 to over 30,000 in 2022.
The Muslim American Society (MAS) and Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA) are dynamic, religious, and educational organizations that offer unique programs and services that seek to better the individual and in turn, the greater society by imparting Islamic knowledge, promoting community service, and much more. With similar goals and missions, both Islamic organizations teamed up to produce two successful conventions every year: the MAS Convention in Chicago, Illinois and the ICNA Convention in Baltimore, Maryland.
As a family oriented event, every year MAS-ICNA Convention chooses a theme that fulfills the needs of the Muslim American family. The themes are often categorized in topics of spirituality, activism and knowledge. The MAS-ICNA Convention offers a wide variety of simultaneously run programs for different ages and interests. Lectures for young adults and youth not only teach the fundamentals of Islam but teach them how to implement the teachings of the Prophet (Peace be Upon Him) in their daily lives and encounters. This year’s theme is “With Hardship Comes Ease” – This year the convention will be held at McCormick Place, Chicago, IL.
The convention will begin Thursday , December 26th at 10:00am and end at 11:30pm on Saturday, December 28th.
The Knowledge Retreat is a two-day classroom style learning event that will be held prior to the convention on Tuesday, December 24th – Wednesday, December 25th.
​The Knowledge Retreat will be held at McCormick Place, Chicago, IL.
Lot A: The parking rate is $23 for up to 16 hours and $36 from 16 to 24 hours. There are no in-and-out privileges.
Lot B: The parking rate is a flat fee of $16 per day with no in-and-out privileges.
Lot C: The parking rate is a flat fee of $25 per day with no in-and-out privileges.
Anyone who experiences symptoms consistent with COVID-19 should isolate themselves from others, not enter McCormick Place, be clinically evaluated and tested for COVID-19.
In the event an MASCON participant falls ill with COVID-19, MASCON will adhere to local, state and federal guidelines and will coordinate with Chicago Public Health authorities to ensure the proper steps are taken and protocols are followed for positive test results.
Anyone who experiences symptoms consistent with COVID-19 should isolate themselves from others, not enter McCormick Place, be clinically evaluated and tested for COVID-19.
In the event an MASCON participant falls ill with COVID-19, MASCON will adhere to local, state and federal guidelines and will coordinate with Chicago Public Health authorities to ensure the proper steps are taken and protocols are followed for positive test results.
9:45 Check-In
4:30 Check-Out
6:45 Check-In
8:35 Check-Out
9:45 Check-In
4:30 Check-Out
6:45 Check-In
8:45 Check-Out
9:45 Check-In
4:30 Check-Out
No, you can bring them a lunch they can eat, or pick them up from the program to take them for lunch. No refunds for lunch will be given.
Friends and siblings may be out together, but they will be put in the younger age group of the two.
Yes, you can find it in the schedule when you drop off your child.