Day of Judgement: Reckoning, Redemption, Reward


The past year has been littered with death, destruction, and suffering. Our brothers and sisters in Gaza and all over Palestine continue to suffer the ongoing genocide by the IDF. Muslims continue to suffer in Sudan, Kashmir, Syria, along with the Uighurs. We have witnessed our own children murdered by Islamophobes and an uptick in Islamophobia hate crimes. In the face of this carnage and hate, we have witnessed the perseverance of our youth standing up against injustice at the campus encampments and graduation ceremonies. We have seen Western Muslims taking a stand against injustice whether through boycotts, protests, or speaking up, and this has come at the expense of their own employment, their friendships, their safety and security. And we have seen many people accept Islam in the midst of all this chaos.

What makes us willing to compromise our safety, our luxuries, our stability? What makes us refuse to capitulate injustice. What makes a non-Muslim decide to accept Islam amid all these turbulences? What makes once non-practicing Muslims decide to return to Allah when all they see on their phones is blood and bigotry?

This is rooted in the belief in a day that all of these matters will be settled. The belief in a day of reckoning for those who thought this is our only life. The belief in a day of redemption for the oppressed. The belief in a day of rewards for those who invested and sacrificed.

This year’s knowledge retreat will be centered on the most important day of our lives – the day of judgment. We chose this theme, because it’s important to stay grounded and remember the purpose of our existence and resistance. Sometimes, even the most practicing Muslim can forget. Amid the burnout, the fatigue, and wavering between optimism and despair, there is a silver lining:

Say (oh Muhammad), “if your parents, or your children, or your siblings, or your spouses, or your countrymen, or your wealth you’ve accumulated, or your business you fear losing, or homes you cherish – (if all these) are more beloved to you than Allah, his messenger, and struggling in his cause, then wait until Allah brings about his will. Allah does not guide the rebellious people.” Allah’s will certainly shall manifest on the day of judgment.

Therefore, we will take a deep dive into this pillar of our faith and why belief in it is not only mandatory, but beneficial. We will explore the chronological events of the day of judgment. We will learn what we can do to prepare ourselves for this day. We will also address some theological and controversial topics, such as reconciling Allah’s infinite mercy with hell and why Allah talks abundantly about pleasures in heaven. And we will talk about the affairs of the oppressors and the oppressed on the day of judgment.

At the end of this retreat, the hope is that attendees will have a greater sense of urgency and optimism toward the day of judgment – urgency in rectifying their actions before that day and optimism in what awaits them on that day.

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We will enter the KR with the following important presumption which help how to address the issue:

  • Hadith is the main source of Islamic knowledge & Shariah second to none but to the Quran.

  • No Muslim should ever reject something they know the Prophet (S) authentically said, did or approved. If the Prophet (S) was in front of them, they’d accept it.


  • The sciences of hadith are technical and can become very dry, and the goal of the KR is for the audience to have a general understanding of sciences of hadith, without getting bogged down by the minutia.

  • While discussing the sciences of hadith real-life scenarios will be covered as related case studies for lessons learnt.

  • We will discuss in two to three lectures the following basic hadith topics "Definition of hadith & its sciences, brief history of hadith compilation, classification of hadith".

  • Next lectures will focus on 3 sources of doubt related to hadith and how to dispel them:


    It’s coming from what they heard their family and friends say; for example, people might say things like “hadith are nonsense, shuyookh are trying to control things, all you need is the Quran, etc.” This rhetoric is often a tactic to escape certain fiqh issues that would problematize their own lifestyles. And they’ll attempt to bolster their argument by saying, “just follow the Quran,” when in reality they say this because they believe the Quran is more lenient than hadith, and they can ultimately do things they want to do either because Quran did not mention it or the Prophet (S) forbade it but they can question the authenticity of relating it to the Prophet.


    One of these doubts is to believe it’s simply not possible to accurately transmit hadith as it is transmitted by chain (e.g. I heard this person, who heard from this person, that the Prophet (S) said…). The teacher’s goal is to intellectually and factually reassure Muslims that the science of hadith is indeed a robust, credible science.


    They don’t doubt the sciences of hadith. Rather, there are some hadith that are controversial and this leads to doubting the hadith tradition as a whole. For example, they may assess a hadith that is difficult to reconcile. They will have trouble believing the Prophet (S), the most perfect human being, would ever say such a thing on various matters or do such a thing. The doubt in one hadith then causes doubt in several other hadith. And it leads to questioning the need for hadith. Therefore, it is important to have a session or two titled, “Did the Prophet (S) really say that?” It’s important for the speakers of the IKR to address the controversial hadith by quoting what classical scholars said centuries ago, because you will find differing opinions amongst scholars regarding such hadith. This will lead the audience members to realize that such hadith are in fact not controversial. And another lecture will address how to approach such controversial hadith. Ultimately, the goal is when Muslim says or feels, “I’m uncomfortable with this hadith,” the speaker can help the Muslim go from feelings of doubt to the affirmation of “we hear and we obey.”


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9:00 AM - 9:40 AM

Fundamentals of Hadith Sciences. (Part-1)

(Definition of Hadith)

09:45 AM - 10:30 AM

Fundamentals of Hadith Sciences. (Part-2)

Hadith & Sunnah

10:30 AM - 10:45 AM


10:45 AM - 1:30 AM

Development of Hadith

Overview of Documentation, Recording and Transmission (Part-1)
Prophetic Era

11:30 AM - 12:15 AM

Development of Hadith

Overview of Documentation, Recording and
Transmission. (Part-2)
Post-Prophetic Era

12:15 PM - 02:00 PM

Lunch + Dhuhr

2:00 PM – 2:45 PM

Overview of Hadith Collections

2:45 PM -3:30 PM

Overview of Hadith Collections

3:30 PM – 4:00 PM


4:00 PM – 4:45 PM

Hadith Classification


4:45 PM – 5:30 PM


5:30 PM – 6:30 PM

Hadith Classification


6:30 PM – 7:45 PM

Open Q&A

9:00 AM - 9:40 AM

In the Company of Imam Al-Bukhari

The Blessed Journey

09:45 AM - 10:30 AM

The Role of Human Intellect in Hadith Interpretation

10:30 AM - 10:45 AM


10:45 AM - 1:30 AM

When Hadith and Science (seem to) Clash

11:30 AM - 12:15 AM

Emotional Discomfort

Apostasy, Capital Punishment, & Human Rights

12:15 PM - 02:00 PM

Lunch + Dhuhr

2:00 PM – 2:45 PM

Verifying & Understanding Hyperbolic and Exaggerative Hadith

2:45 PM -3:30 PM

Hadith Related to Female Roles, Rights, & Rewards

3:30 PM – 4:00 PM


4:00 PM – 4:45 PM

Coexistence with and Treatment of Non-Muslims

4:45 PM – 5:30 PM


5:30 PM – 6:30 PM

Loving the Hadith & Sunnah as a Means to Loving the Prophet

6:30 PM – 7:45 PM

Open Q&A