سورة الأنعام (6:152 ) "وَأَنَّ هَٰذَا صِرَاطِي مُسْتَقِيمًا فَاتَّبِعُوهُ ۖ وَلَا تَتَّبِعُوا السُّبُلَ فَتَفَرَّقَ بِكُمْ عَن سَبِيلِهِ"

The whole of humanity, Muslim community is no exception, is currently facing new challenges with alarming signs for threats targeting their beliefs, identity, and lifestyles. It looks like, Muslim Community is at the crossroads and needs to carefully identify the way ahead. The status of “crossroads” is not “over descriptive,” nor exaggerative. It is in fact the perfect word to describe the state of affairs that every Muslim in America lives in.

At the crossroad, just like in reality, the Muslim has the choice of going in multiple directions with possibly different destinations and one of them might be the safest and most productive one. Still the question is how can one in such a situation identify the proper route while the surrounding environment is hazy and cloudy? It is really a confusing situation for most road seekers except just a few who did diligent work to keep their road compass always calibrated, their plans always realistic, and their resilience always elevated.
The selection process is very critical with the time factor very p

ressing and sensitive therefore we might not have the luxury of procrastination and delay. Because the consequences for which road to embark on are vital, this decision has to be guided by an “error-free” frame of reference which is none but the Divine Guidance. It also needs the community to build and adopt a vision for where to go and where to end at. As Allah decreed for His support to run through the hands of people, “Action that is supported by Resilience” is an influential ptharameter in solving the whole complicated equation of “how to reach a safe shore”.

This theme is helping the American Muslim community take the detrimental decision of which route in the crossroad to take. It is built on 3 main pillars:

  • “Faith”:

    The origin of our guiding principles are Divine, the benchmarks we set for understanding the purpose of our life and the pursuits we embark on are GODLY, and the directions we take at times of confusion and haziness are defined by our faith. Therefore, we always resort to Allah & His Divine teachings in seeking guidance.

  • “Vision”:

    It is not enough to be GODLY and observant of the Islamic rituals for successfully navigating the cloudy crossroads. It is essentially imperative to set & follow relevant and contextual guidelines for securing a healthy future (short-term & long-term). These guidelines are built on lessons learned from history and directed by the deep awareness of & experience in the living context. We need the Muslim community to understand why we are insistent upon our Divine principles and where we see ourselves in 10 years and 100 years.

  • “Resilience”:

    Managing the crossroad with faith-driven & visionary roadmaps need to follow a well-detailed course of action charged with dedication and resolve. We need to face challenges, adversity and confusion with strength and adaptability.

In the Convention this year, the concepts to be presented, the discussions to be running, the training to be held, and the projects to be introduced, all, will discuss & analyze the “crossroads” situation the American Muslim community is currently facing. The 3 main pillars of “Faith, Vision & Resilience” for identifying the safe road will be deeply discussed and analyzed for prescribing viable solutions for successfully passing the troubling crossroads.