The MASCON Retreats (formerly known as the Knowledge Retreat) are an intensive knowledge-based trio of retreats that is launching this year.

It is the same in concept as the Knowledge Retreat, but we now have it in English, Arabic, and we have also added Marriage Counseling. With the challenges of todays life and the recent years of covid isolation, this was a much-needed upgrade for our community.

This is for the attendee that is looking just to gain knowledge. Maybe you already studied Islamic studies in college, or go to one of the Institutes that we partner with, either way this is a 2-day lecture filled retreat that will fill your soul with the knowledge you crave, or hopefully help your marriage to be a joint union where you feel fulfilled, heard and appreciated.

This program does have a limited number of seats available.

The speakers and counselors in this MASCON Retreats Trio are not necessarily speaking at the main convention. They are highly specialized in the topic they are speaking about at the Knowledge Retreat. Please click the link for more information.


The MASCON Retreats (formerly known as the Knowledge Retreat) are an intensive knowledge-based trio of retreats that is launching this year.


English Knowledge Retreat

The past year has been littered with death, destruction, and suffering. Our brothers and sisters in Gaza and all over Palestine continue to suffer the ongoing genocide by the IDF. Muslims continue to suffer in Sudan, Kashmir, Syria, along with the Uighurs.

Arabic Knowledge Retreat

يعد الإيمان باليوم الآخر أحد أركان الإيمان الستة وأساساً راسخاً من أسس العقيدة الإسلامية، وله تأثيرٌ عميقٌ في تشكيل القيم الأخلاقية وتحقيق العدل في حياة المسلمين. فالإيمان بأن هناك يوماً سيقف فيه الجميع للحساب، يُعزز من التزام الإنسان بالإنصاف والعدل في الدنيا، لأن المسلم يدرك أن أعماله ستُحاسب وأنه سيلقى الجزاء العادل على ما قدمت يداه. في هذا السياق، يلعب اليوم الآخر دوراً محورياً في تحفيز الأفراد على اتباع السلوكيات النزيهة والعادلة؛ فالإنسان الذي يؤمن بيوم الحساب ينظر إلى الحقوق والواجبات بمسؤولية عالية، ويتجنب الظلم والاعتداء على حقوق الآخرين. هذا الإيمان يعمّق الإحساس بالمسؤولية الاجتماعية ويُغذي الرغبة في الإحسان إلى الغير، انطلاقاً من شعور قوي بأن الجزاء الإلهي يوازن بين حقوق الناس ويضمن العدل الكامل.


This is a two-day, hands-on experience where each couple is actively engaged in instruction/brief lectures, couples’ and group exercises, role plays, discussion and problem-solving to rejuvenate their marriage. The entire retreat is an opportunity for the couple to focus on the health and betterment of their marriage.


The MASCON Retreats (formerly known as the Knowledge Retreat) are an intensive knowledge-based trio of retreats that is launching this year.